A Coffee Battle Is Brewing In The Northwest
Coffee lovers can now stand proud, especially if you live in the Couve like myself. We all know the Rose City loves its coffee. In a recent survey, Apartmentguide.com ranked cities by the number of coffee businesses per resident, and Vancouver, Washington came in second with one coffee shop for every 2,224 residents.
Seattle came in the #4 spot, and Portland dropped in at # 5 and I have to be honest, this threw me a bit, I thought for sure Seattle would rank 1 or 2 being it’s the home of Starby’s, but hey heck I’ll take 2nd place. San Francisco took 3rd and the top spot went to Berkley, California. The city boasts one coffee shop for every 2,073 residents. The West Coast was heavily represented in the top 20, with Eugene, Everett, Spokane, Renton, and Tacoma all making the cut.