Twitter’s having fun reminiscing with the new viral hashtag “#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen.” Here are just 10 of the funniest–and most nostalgic–responses (check the link for more):

  • “#ImOldEnoughToRemember when Disney Channel was the…” coolest!
  • “#ImOldEnoughToRemember when every kid had a pair of Heelys.”
  • “#ImOldEnoughToRemember it was just titled Star Wars and not Episode IV A New Hope.”
  • “#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen Cabbage Patch Kids were all the rage.”
  • “#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen Weebles wobbled but they didn’t fall down!”
  • “#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen there were only three channels and they went off the air at midnight!”
  • “#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen all it took to play a video game was a joystick and a red button.”
  • “#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen there were no seatbelts and you could sit on your parent’s lap in the car.”
  • “#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen typing class was a thing.”
  • “#ImOldEnoughToRememberWhen a hashtag used to be called a pound sign.”

    I’m old enough to remember when kids movies were epic, like that talking dragon dog Falcore from Neverending Story.  Who’s with me?
    Add yours and see more here.

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