Leaving Elementry school going into middle school is a challenge and then going to High Scool is tough and scary for some teens. We are personally dealing with it in our home, our youngest Tanners starts High School next year and is a bit nervous, we have had a few good sit-downs with him about  high school and what to expect and that you have to find a buddy to hang with, well as a parent I truly hope he finds a buddy like Tanner Wilson .

Tanner Wilson is a high school senior in Norman, Arkansas.  And one of his best friends is Brandon Qualls, who has some disabilities and uses a no motorized regular wheelchair to get around.       Brandon has been wanting an electric one for a long time so he can get around a little easier,  but his parents couldn’t afford one.

So without telling Brandon, Tanner worked at his part-time job for two years and saved as much money as he could to surprise his best bud with an electric wheelchair and surprised him at school. Turns out Brandon had no idea and broke down in tears after Tanner presented him with something special. Tanner says Brandon has been a really good friend to him and has always been there for him.  So he just wanted to “do him a favor.”  And he’d do it all again if he had to.



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