What type of person are YOU? are you the type that needs to shower every day to get your blood pumping and get moving, Or are you the type that can go a day or so without a shower.  ME noway I have to shower daily, my son, on the other hand, it’s an every other day thing, and now that I read this new survey it has me thinking  Maybe I should stop showering so much.  Sure, it’s not going to make me popular with my wife, coworkers, and friends, but at least I’ll have better skin

There’s a pretty strong consensus among dermatologists that you don’t need to shower every day . . . and in fact, it’s better for your skin if you don’t.  But . . . three-quarters of us do it anyway. According to a new survey, 49% of people shower once a day . . . 20% take one almost every day . . . and 6% take MORE than one a day. And they’re all worse off than the 18% of people who shower two or three times a week . . . the 3% who only take one shower a week . . . and the very self-confident 1% of people who only take one a MONTH.

So what category do you fit in?


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