Don’t Yank Your Stocks Out Just Yet Of The NYSE
Before my father passed, he transferred a bunch of his stocks to me and lately, I have been wondering what to do with them? should I sell them, should I trade up, well if you are in the same boat and watching the stock market go up and down like a rollercoaster don’t panic, Yes the news of Apple losing 74 Billion dollars yesterday is hard to swallow.
The U.S. stock market had a horrible year in 2018 as tech giants slumped and the word “recession” began swirling around Wall Street again. So should Americans consider converting their 401(k)s into cash? That’d be “a bad idea,” writes New York Times columnist Neil Irwin, who suggests that stockholders “do nothing.” He points to investors who rode out the Great Recession rather than pulling out of the stock market, writing, “People who simply left their savings fully invested in the stock market in December 2007 have now made a 134 percent return on that money.