Your kids might be a bit smarter if you let them binge watch this
As a kid growing up I was raised by my grandparents part-time as my parents had multiple jobs, and I remember my grandfather would let me sit for hours and watch Kermit, Big Bird, Elmo, Grover, and my favorite along with so many others “Cookie Monster” on Sesame Street, heck that’s how I learned how to spell Sesame.
So! if you have not let your kids catch an episode on OPB you may want to to change up your routine and let them, According to a new study, kids who spend time watching “Sesame Street” at home tend to perform better in school.
The study was completed in 2015 and it found that the more exposure a child had to the show while growing up the more likely they would be employed and have higher wages at their job.
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