11 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re a People Pleaser
Thought Catalog has compiled this list of things people don’t realize that people pleasers are doing. Here they are:
- People pleasers don’t know how to cut ties with anyone. You don’t know how to let go of toxic people in your life in fear of hurting their feelings or making them hate you.
- People pleasers apologize for literally everything. You apologize for everything in your life even when things aren’t necessarily your own fault.
- You don’t know how to say “no.” You set aside yourself just to make other people happy.
- You don’t make time for yourself. You value the people in your life more than you value yourself.
- You hold onto past resentments. You hold onto these experiences in your head and harbor a lot of anger towards the people who took advantage of your kindness.
- People frequently take full advantage of you. Your friends and family can sometimes take advantage of you because they know that you will literally do anything for them.
- Some people call you weak. Some people don’t understand why you do so much for others and why you care so much.
- You don’t know how to be selfish. You feel incredibly uncomfortable doing things that other people disagree with, especially if it’s people you care about.
- You would rather hurt yourself than hurt someone else. Instead of making a decision based on your feelings, you make it solely about everyone else.
- You hold onto friendships and past relationships even if they don’t fulfill you. You hold onto keeping in touch with all your exe’s and ex besties because you don’t want to disappoint them or cause them pain.
- You’re the king and queen of overanalyzing everything. Before you do anything, you always are asking other people what they think about it and you’re always wanting to do the best thing for them.