This Will Make You Think Twice Before Using A Touchscreen
If you are a germaphobe then this is probably going to gross you out, think about this for a second. When you go to the store we touch the card reader to enter our pin numbers, when we hit the drive-thru ATM we all touch the same buttons, Ever rent a movie from Red Box for the weekend … Ever use one of those convenient new touchscreens to make your lunch order? Well according to a new study from Great Britain, you should probably keep a bottle of hand sanitizer nearby when you order that value meal.
Metro UK conducted a study that found fecal bacteria on every touchscreen they tested, including potentially dangerous ones like staphylococcus. Even more alarming, the paper observed that most people who ordered with a touchscreen would grab their food without washing their hands first.
McDonald’s has responded to the report, saying “Our self-order screens are cleaned frequently throughout the day. All of our restaurants also provide facilities for customers to wash their hands before eating.”