ICYDK – Ice Money Coming, Racecar Forfeiture, & Paw Patrol Live
Remember that ice storm we had in January? It did a lot of damage, and cost a lot of businesses a lot of business, and because of that, we went and asked Daddy for a loan. The federal government is gonna send some FEMA money our way to help cover the damage and lost revenue, so if your business got hit, be sure to raise your hand and get some cash.
The state is yoinking that money, and the City of Portland is yoinking cars now. The street racing thing is getting pretty serious, and now, when cops break them up, they’re just keeping the cars; they couldn’t do that before. So I guess the city will have a lot full of 10-second cars somewhere… be on the lookout for Fast & Furious 11: Portland Asset Forfeiture.
And finally, if hearing the Paw Patrol theme song 20 times a day in your house isn’t enough, why not shell out a few hundred dollars and see it in person! Paw Patrol Live is coming to Veterans Memorial Coliseum this weekend with tickets starting at $50 and going fast. Go enjoy 5,000 screaming kids, and 5,000 parents who definitely wanted to spend their weekend doing that.