Source: YouTube

The Portland Diamond Project is still looking to put major league baseball in Portland, and they now have their sights set on the Red Tail Golf course over by Washington Square.  The land is already owned by the city, and is by the mall, so there’s probably the traffic infrastructure…  and I got my only birdie ever there, so maybe there’s magic.

Meanwhile, probably the biggest homecoming in sports history happens tonight as Damian Lillard steps back on the Blazers court, this time in a Bucks jersey.  Remember, this town is still important to him as his kids still live here, and he still loves it.  We were all sad to see him go, but I expect the standing ovation will be enthusiastic tonight.

And finally, the city is now saying that tree damage fees will be waived if you had tree damage during the recent ice storm, and my first response is…  there’s tree damage fees.  Your roof gets caved in by mother nature, and then you get an envelope from the city with Response Required written on the outside.  That is hooey.

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