Source: YouTube

The best news of the morning?  Once your area gets above freezing today, it’s probably gonna stay above freezing, even tonight.  The bad news is…  it’s pretty rough outside right now.  The roads will continue to get better throughout the day, but really, as most people are finding out, the hardest part is getting to your car and getting the door open.

On I-84 out in the Gorge, it’s gonna be a different story; it’s always the worst conditions there.  I-84 is closed right now, and asking ODOT when it’s gonna re-open just seems to annoy them.  They say the roads need to be actually clear before it opens again, so I would cancel your brunch in Hood River.

And finally, in West Linn, they got a new problem.  Something went wrong somewhere in their water system, and because of that, they are under a water boil order.  The water pressure in West Linn dropped, and when that happens, bacteria can form.  So, don’t go outside, and don’t drink your water inside either.  Sucks to be West Linn right now.

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