In Case You Didn’t Know – 06-16-2023
There has been a massive data breach at the Oregon DMV! 90% of Oregonians’ data is at risk! Bahhhhhhhh! I never know how to react when news like this comes out. I’m throwing my data around all day every day. It sucks that it’s the government that did it this time, but… y’know. Whatever. Watch your bank accounts. Like every day.
One reason they might want an Oregonian’s identity is because we all have jobs! The unemployment rate in our state has dropped again to 3.7%, which is the same as the national average. Sure, none of our jobs pay enough to get us all the stuff we want, but we all have jobs. Congratulations, Oregon.
And finally, this is fun. The GeekCraft Expo is happening this weekend at the Convention Center. It is craft goods made by exhibitors, but it’s all nerd-themed. You want Pokemon figurines, or Star Wars potholders, or Game Of Thrones tea cozies, or Dungeons & Dragons… Christmas Ornaments? Convention Center, this weekend.