All right this questions is for the parents with a house full of kids,  with Christmas right around the corner, are you willing to give up presents towards each other to spread joy to your kids. according to new research, nearly half of parents have gone without gifts for themselves or their partner in order to afford more gifts for their children,.

The survey of 2,000 parents found that 46 percent have taken this measure, prioritizing their children’s gifts over ones for them and their partner. Results also found that nearly six in 10 (59%) admitted, when it comes to shopping for presents, they’re most likely to overspend on their kids.

Parents also said they can buy themselves something they really want down the road at a later date if needed and let’s be honest,  Around the holidays there’s a lot of pressure to please everyone right?   We always want to show good faith towards Family, Friends, Partner, whoever – and be extra generous



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