The Perfect Alignment of Planets
If you happen to love to get out a take a drive and star gazing like I do, then we have the perfect date night for YOU. Photographers and skywatchers get ready for the perfect planetary alignment.
Grab an air mattress throw it in the back of your car and let’s pray for clear skies next week, so we can see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus on March 28th
According to the astronomy app Star Walk, five planets within the solar system will be visible at the same time—a relatively rare sighting next week. Scientists predict The best day to see this happen is Tuesday night, March 28, but as Star Walk points out, the alignment will be visible several days before and after that, too.
, the planets will form an arc in the night sky, and stargazers will get the chance to see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. Some of them, though, will be more visible than others, and depending on your location, you might need some equipment to catch a glimpse of all five.
As we all know stargazing and celestial events like seeing the Northern Lights are best in terms of location are dark sites, like the gorge or on the outskirts of the city lights.
SO get those telescopes and cameras ready and let’s see what you Catch