Vision Zero Questions As More Die And Injured
PORTLAND, Ore.–Over 3 million people move in and out of the city everyday to get from point A to B. When it comes to traffic crashes Portland Police say 47% of drivers in traffic crashes used alcohol. Portland streets are basically the same as they were 20 years ago yet the population continues to grow meaning many more drivers are on the road. On any weekend the entertainment district downtown can accommodate 30,000 people. how to people get there/ What condition are they in when they leave? We tell them to have a good time but are they sober when they walk out in front of that car or get behind the wheel. As to Vision Zero the Portland Police Bureau says it’s a great goal to want to keep fatalities near zero how realistic that is , is a huge challenge . We all need to do better in terms of speed, impairment, and distractions. In all of 2018 34 people died on Portland streets Through September of 2019 43 have died. One half of traffic crashes involve pedestrians.