What’s the Right Age for Kids to Get Their First Allowance, Phone, and Job?

As a parent, I have had all three of our kids learn to do the right thing, We told them that if they want something the have to earn it.  They can earn money by receiving  good grades in school , Doing chores, and just helping around the house. Now we have all been down this road before and explaining it to little ones can always be a challenge.

Parents with older kids have had it a little easier during the lockdown, because you don’t have to watch them every second of every day.  So what’s the age when you CAN finally let them do their own thing?  I read a recent survey of 2,000 parents found that TEN years old is when kids can play outside without an adult around.

Here’s how old they said kids should be before these six other life things happen . . .and Do You Agree with these?

1.  First allowance at 9 years old.

2.  First phone at 11.

3.  Walking home from school alone, also 11.  This one really depends on how close the school is though, if it’s 2-3 block away sure,  otherwise ride the bus and then walk from the drop off

4.  First sleepover at a friend’s house, 12 years old.

5.  First job at 13.  Like babysitting or having a paper route.

6. First Dirt Track Car – 16  OK maybe a little longer, but we couldn’t wait to race



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