So have you always wanted to be on the Silver Screen, do you have big dreams of becoming an actor, actress, stuntman? well here is your chance to get on as an extra now for a Netflix show being filmed in PDX.

Weeble Mountain is casting extras for a new Netflix feature film “Sorta Like a Rock Star.” Filming will be in October & November in the Portland OR area. Pay is $12.50/hr (8 hours minimum guaranteed).

ABOUT THE FILM: Sorta Like A Rock Star follows a teenage girl who, despite her difficult circumstances is preternaturally optimistic about the world and her place in it. She often helps those around her, resulting in powerful bonds with a disparate group of outsiders in her community, until she faces a devastating loss and can no longer ignore the challenges in her own life. Based on the book of the same title by Matthew Quick

TO APPLY, please use the links below to create a casting profile:



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